Loss Control Services © 2024  |  All Rights Reserved

PO Box 554, Marshfield Hills, MA 02051     |     Phone: 781-837-7295     |     admin@losscontrolsource.com

Loss Control Division

Our Loss Control Division provides a full array of property and casualty services to both the standard and E&S markets. Our loss control consultants will help identify exposures to potential loss as well as provide recommendations to minimize the potential of losses. Bundled and unbundled services are provided for the small, medium and large markets on a National basis.

Loss Control Services can:

•  Evaluate operations with an understanding of coverage exposures

•  Analyze losses, loss trends and the potential for future losses

•  Evaluate management controls and loss control programs

•  Provide recommendations for risk improvement

•  Assist in the development of  safety programs

•  Provide management and employee training

•  Provide specialized skills in Ergonomics, Occupational Health, or other services addressing needs unique to a
​   given carrier or policyholder

The consultants will work with management to minimize the potential for accidents, injuries, and property loss.  They bring the experience of working in a number of specialties.  The majority of the staff has extensive experience in the insurance industry.  They comprehend the value of assisting underwriting in the evaluation of policyholder exposures and risk desirability.

They are capable of providing consultative services to assist in the control of work related injuries, ergonomics, industrial hygiene, fleet safety, liability loss control, construction safety, property conservation, safety training and program development.

With our broad level of experience, clients gain valuable understanding concerning accident causation and methods for preventing them. Whether working with the carrier or the policyholder, Loss Control Services can tailor services in support of corporate loss control needs.  We can personalize services to meet your needs, and if desired be the focal point delivering a carrier's loss control programs.

We also recognize that to maintain this high level of performance, we must continually work with our staff and contractors to give them technical and non-technical work reviews, assistance, and performance feedback.  All work receives grammatical and formatting review, technical checks, and confirmation that performance levels, prior objectives, client concerns and SOP’s have been satisfied.